Session 3: Assignment One Question

1) List the customer data elements generated when a customer interacts with an airline by (a) making a reservation, (b) using frequent flyer miles, and (c) completing a flight. How does information from CRM improve these interactions ?


There are several questions or information we have to provide before we purchase an airline tickets:

Making a reservation:
Passenger name
Country of residence
No. of passenger
Departure date and return date
Round or single trip
Departure City
Flying class
Any frequent flyer miles membership
Payment method

Using frequent flyer miles:
Frequent flyer miles membership number
Passenger name
Departure date and return date
Booking reference

Completing a flight:
Passenger name
Passenger detail information like such as passport #, gender, date of birth..etc
Country of residence
No. of passenger
Departure date and return date
Round or single trip
Departure City
Flying class
Frequent flyer miles membership number
Payment method
Booking reference

From all the data elements above, you might notice some of the items are duplicated. When there is a CRM system, we can consolidate all data into one single profile, so when we are trying to get another ticket, we can just simply tell the customer service officer our flyer miles membership number or booking reference, then all other information will be shown up inside the CRM system, it would save a lot of time on giving out our personal information over and over again. Moreover, under this CRM system, we can even preset our meal preference, desired seating location or even our payment method for all future access.

2) What are the benefits of integrating the sales, marketing and customer support function using a single software pacakge and a centralized database ?


When there is a centralized database system, then all the data or other information can be share to different departments within a few simple clicks. From clients' order until the shipping status, even the buyer's contact, buying history or behavior can been review for the next approach. All these actions can have more effective in marketing, by increase customer satisfaction; reduce direct-marketing cost to increase the profit.

There are a lot of benefits when all sales, marketing and customer support integrating with the same systems. First of all, understanding your buyers always is a key point to get better business or sales. We can know when was our clients' last purchase order, and then based on their buying behavior, marketing team can arrange a special plan which suitable to them. Secondly, customer support can base on the information which shown in the system to have a closer relation to the clients, saving a lot of time to ask the information which had been asked before. Like the example I used in question 1: HSBC - is using CRM as 1 of their information technology system, all clients’ information saved in their system. So whenever you call to the customer hotline, the customer service officer can review all your records no matter it is credit card account, saving account or investment account…etc

1 comment:

  1. Good observation. By using a single database to store all the data elements about a customer, the same data can be reused by multiple departments. This helps ensure that the customer is recognized consistently no matter which department he or she is dealing with. The firm also saves the effort of maintaining the data, since they only have to keep it updated in one place.
